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Epsom Salt for Your Garden
The Many Benefits of epsom salt for organic gardening | Gardening with Epsom Salt, according to this page it is good for all vegetables, flowers, trees, fruits and more. #gardening
Epsom salt {hydrated magnesium sulfate} is renowned to many for its various home remedy applications but that is not all there is to this wonderful mineral. unknown to many, Epsom salt have several benefits in organic gardening.

Its importance in Gardening have been one of nature’s best kept secrets and it’s has long been a favorite for many gardeners.

It helps grow sweeter, tastier vegetables, roses with more vibrant flower color.

It is also very useful in seed germination.

Epsom salts works best on soils that are slightly deficient in magnesium or high in calcium and potassium (soils found in western countries)

Improved Seed Germination

Epsom salt can be used at the Planting stage to aid seed germination. It acts as a soil amendment before seeding thereby giving your garden a powerful boost right from the start.

Apply 1 – 2 tablespoons into the soil per seed hole or use 1 cup of salt per 100 square feet of tilled soil for the best results.

Increased Nutrient Absorption

Applying Epsom salt to the soil helps facilitate the uptake of organic soil nutrients and the faster absorption of plant nutrients reducing to a minimal level if not eliminating the need for chemical fertilizers.

Beautiful, Bountiful Roses

Epsom salt due to the abundance of magnesium is plays a very important role in flower bloom formation. This is of significant importance to roses. Horticulturists will agree that application of Epsom salt helps roses to produce larger blossoms in greater numbers in flowers. Epsom salt also increases chlorophyll production meaning faster growth rate for roses.

Counter Transplant Shock

Epsom salt can also play a vital role in the transplants of nursery plants to the field. Epsom salt assists plants in adapting to their new environment and also help injured roots overcome transplanting shock.

Note that it is important that Plant roots does not come in contact with salt when adding a layer of salt around them..

Green Up Foliage

Magnesium plays an essential part in the production of foliage due its as in chlorophyll production. This is quite evident as plants suffering from this deficiency can be identified by their yellowing leaves. The application of Epsom salt around your plants helps lead to healthier foliage.

Prevent Leaf Curling

Application of a mixture of 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt in a gallon of water and apply directly to the leaves will help Prevent Leaf Curling caused by magnesium-deficiency in plants.

Deter Garden Pests

While Epsom salt is not as effective against pests as much as table salt (sodium chloride), it can still helps to deter pests. Epsom Salt crystals are sharp and when sprinkled around plants, they can scratch and irritate the bodies and feet of unwanted pests in much the same way as other preventives..

Grow Sweeter Fruit

It is a proven fact the most important stage in the life cycle of any plant is the production of fruits just after the flowering stage. Application of Epsom salt to the plant using the same methods and quantities stated above will lead to improved chlorophyll levels leading to increased energy which implies more sugar, thus allowing the plant to produce more yields of sweeter and healthier fruits.

Tastier Tomatoes

In a recent experiment, We observed that application of epsom salt to tomato vines really helps to balance the magnesium-deficiency so apparent to most tomato farmers.. It also lead to Tastier Tomatoes..

For tomatoes, the fruit to plant size ratio of tomato plant makes it susceptible to to calcium-deficiency (blossom end rot) but systematic application of epsom salts to our tomatoes worked perfectly and the positive result we got was healthy, tastier tomato fruits..

Our Findings revealed that tomato vines should have Epsom salt twice as often as other plants.  Application to tomato vines of dissolved Epsom salt – 2 tablespoons per gallon of water, every 2 weeks was the magic.. The most efficient application method for delivering magnesium to these plants is through foliage feeding method.


It is quite apparent that Epsom salt is a great addition to any organic Gardener and it’s almost impossible to use too much of it in your garden.

Epsom Salt is pH neutral, non harmful to the soil structure, it’s safe to apply and works fast to correct a variety of problems and increase the overall health of your garden.

Epsom salt also works quickly to prevent and correct a variety of problems and to improves the overall health of your garden. Epsom salt is also cheap and it’s certainly one of the best kept secret of the health-conscious, competent gardener. I hope with this post you have learnt several ways to add Epsom salt to your grower toolbox.

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